Don't let this happen to you , make sure the person selling/building your parts has experience ! Published on December 3, 2021 By, Mike Salemme I want to share some thoughts about the job market in the automotive industry today. This is a story of what happened to me this week . It concerns me very much not only from a Technicians view but also from a human safety view as well . Cars and trucks are deadly weapons and when I work on a car before and after a repair I think to myself is this car safe to return to a customer ? When you bring in your car/truck for service do you consider how much experience the Technician has and do you feel comfortable about it . How much experience do you think a person should have before you trust them to work on your car ? I would say I would want a technician to have at least 5 years behind them to do just an oil change on my car . (That would never happen because I do my own repairs) . Or do y...