This is going to be a side project to the webpage. This is going to be a print on demand magazine . This is going to be the real deal, it will be your only source for no drama Drag Racing, If it goes left, it will not be featured here. I'm going to make it a bi-monthly publication at first, it will feature at least four feature cars and at least one tech story. I want to make this a high quality magazine with nice heavy paper , not like the cheap recycled paper found in some other mag's . So it might cost a little more, but how many people can say that their car made it in a magazine . If you would like to be featured in the magazine you must have appeared on the webpage first and you must email me a photo and description before you make it to the page. Your Car/Truck or Motor Cycle must either a Full Drag Car, Pro-Street Car, or a Tricked out Street Machine . Bikes must be Either a Top Fuel Nitro Bike or a Fat Tire Pro-Street...