The 'Virginia Gentleman' is a 1967 Chevrolet Corvette that was built and driven by John Boughers . Originally the car was green with a white interior and was equipped with an automatic transmission,power windows and air conditioning. John raced the Vette on the East coast from the 1970's to the early 1980's, in 1980 the car was painted red when Champion spark plugs came onboard as a major sponsor. He won many races and was best known as ' The oldest man in Drag Racing '. The power plant was built by Justice Brothers Racing in Virginia with Carlton Philips.It's a 620 HP small block with 13:1compression. It's shifted by an ATI Powerglide with a brake. In 1985 the the car was purchased by Gino's Auto Body and raced by Gino from 85' to 1989 in the West Palm Beach area,in 1985 the Corvette won the five day championship tournament at Moroso Motorsports Park , now Orlando Speed World. This is a time capsule that deserves to be in someones collect...